
      We are LA



    Register Now

    Golden Eagle Orientation and early registration are open to all admitted students, along with substantial financial aid and an engaging virtual curriculum.



    Academic advising can help you plan classes and set long-term goals on the way to your diploma.

    Two dancers


    Learn about our 57 undergraduate majors, 51 master’s degrees and 4 doctoral programs.



    Volunteer and track your hours with the Center for Engagement, Service, and the Public Good.

    student success

    At Cal State LA, students come first. Throughout your time here, your professors, staff and administrators will be there to help map out your path to a timely graduation, earn your degree and launch your career or graduate education.


    Volunteer loads food boxes into back of truck
    Volunteer loads food boxes into back of truck


    About 2,700 families each received 80 pounds of food during the drive-thru event at Cal State LA, providing much-needed support for residents impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

    José Luis Alvarado


    New Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs José Luis Alvarado has a strong sense of kinship with the university and the communities it serves.

    Volunteer puts food in families car

    Cal State LA helps feed families in need at Southeast L.A. food distribution

    Cal State LA collaborated with community partners in Maywood to distribute food to hundreds of families suffering the economic effects of the COVID-19 crisis.


    Home · ShadowsocksR-Live/shadowsocksr-native Wiki · GitHub:2021-10-2 · 据说 SS 和 SSR 被 GFW 精准识别了, 有2021年6月初的梯子大屠杀为证, 咱也没有必要去辨别真伪了, ... 补记2: 2021年2月1日, 新冠瘟疫 横行, 墙再次加高, SSRoT 依然从容穿越 GFW 向兲朝猪圈传递未经审查的自由资讯.

    SS 最佳的替伋品,从 0 开始部署 v2ray 梯子(2) - Linux ...:2021-3-27 · 2021年03月27日 09:38:22 标签云 linux nginx 运维宝典 k8s kubernetes Centos7 shell zabbix docker v2ray vultr ss mysql ansible gitlab 梯子 手动回滚 自动化发布 jenkins ap java jdk8 linux基础 centos 网络 lnmp ac python graylog php7

    California Promise

    Two graduates in caps and gowns smiling


    Make your pledge to graduate in four years (for first-year students) or two years (for transfers) and receive early class registration and enhanced advising.


    Smiling student in food pantry

    Food and Housing Security

    Meeting the basic needs of students is vital for ensuring overall well-being and academic success. Learn about University resources that provide food, emergency housing and financial support.



    Find advice, resources, programs and events to help improve your well-being.

    Upcoming Events

    Student wearing Pan African Studies shirt


    Celebrating Black History and Culture

    A performance by a live poetry group, a film about Toni Morrison and a talk by Angela Davis are among the opportunities available on campus to learn about and celebrate Black culture during Black History Month and beyond.





    August 8, 2023

    免费的ssrr SSR节点

    9:00 AM

    SS 最佳的替伋品,从 0 开始部署 v2ray 梯子(2) - Linux ...:2021-3-27 · 2021年03月27日 09:38:22 标签云 linux nginx 运维宝典 k8s kubernetes Centos7 shell zabbix docker v2ray vultr ss mysql ansible gitlab 梯子 手动回滚 自动化发布 jenkins ap java jdk8 linux基础 centos 网络 lnmp ac python graylog php7

    August 15, 2023

    8:00 PM

    Fall Semester Begins

    August 20, 2023

    (All day)


    • OPA
    • DTLA
    Heidi Riggio
    Cal State LA Downtown L.A. campus


    Coronavirus Information

    Immigration Issues and Resources

    Cal State LA BioSpace


    Eddie high fiving student on Main Walkway
    Afternoon view of Career Center
    Baseball player with bat and helmet silhouette

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